Shannon Bells

“Shannon Bells” consists of a series of classic large bicycle bells mounted on branches and trunks of trees. Bells are distributed so that neighboring bells are within audible range. This way, the bells function as a very simple communication- or positioning-system or network.If you ring a bell, you are telling the surroundings you are present. You might get a response from another bell in the system.
“Shannon Bells” is named after Claude Elwood Shannon, who laid the foundation of modern information theory while working at Bell Labs in the 1940s.
"Shannon Bells" is inspired by Atsuko Tanaka, who is 1955 made a "landscape painting that draws with sounds" using electrical bells distributed in the gallery room.
"Shannon Bells" was produced for the outdoor exhibition "Langt ude", and was first installed in the park-district of Arresødal near the city of Frederiksværk, Denmark.
During the summer of 2010 "Shannon Bells" was installed along the Klankenbos in Neerpelt, Belgium. This being a very popular bicycling-track deliberately opened the system to communicative mistakes and noise. How should you respond if you hear a bell sounding? Is a guest at the artshow inviting you to communicate or is it a passing bicycle warning you to get out of the way?
Thanks to:
"Langt ude" initiated and curated by Helga Jensen.Klankenbos, Neerpelt, Belgium.